Art tour in Järvenpää and Tuusula

Ketunretki's guided cultural tours introduce you to the cultural landscapes of Tuusulajärvi and Tuusula Rantatie.


Country-side tour from Helsinki to Porvoo and Tuusula

Ketunretket provides professional guide services in Helsinki, Porvoo and the Old Tuusula Artists' Road in Tuusula. On our guided culture tours you can explore medieval town of Porvoo, Lake Tuusula...


Culture Tours in Järvenpää and Tuusula

Ketunretket provides professional guide services in Järvenpää and the Old Tuusula Artists' Road (Rantatie) in Tuusula. On our guided culture tours you can explore Lake Tuusula artists' home...


Geocaching for groups at Uusimaa region

Geocaching is a playful treasure hunt with modern equipment, in which people of all ages and abilities can participate.We organize cache trips and train new enthusiasts.


Heritage Santa Claus visit

As you know, Santa Claus lives in northern part of Finland, in the village of Korvatunturi. From there he and his wife Mama Santa visit little children every christmas eve. Ketunretket can help...


Kellokoski Iron Works tour

Ketunretket provides professional guide services in the Kellokoski Iron Works area and its surroundings in Tuusula. On our guided culture tours you can explore the picturesque Old Iron Works and...


Lumikenkäretki Tuusulassa

Metsän lumi kantaa sinua. Lähde nauttimaan luontohetkestä ja rentouttavista Metsämieliharjoitteista LUMIKENKÄILLEN


Metsänautti’s Adventure in the Dark

Welcome to an unforgettable experience where darkness becomes an adventure!


Sarvikallion retki Tuusulassa

Aistirikas luontoretki Tuusulan Sarvikalliolle kaikkina vuodenaikoina ja retken aikan nuotioeväät tulipaikalla. 55 eur aik ja 25 eur lapsi.


Sauna-Mama's whisking sauna service beside a lake

Finland has been named as the happiest nation in the world, there's no doubt about that. One reason for this happiness is the old traditional sauna, where your mind and body clears from the work...


Snow Shoes

Snow Shoes for 3 hours. Pick up at Tammikko Stable House, address Maisalantie 209, Tuusula.


Tammikko Stable House

Space for 60 persons for events and parties. Sunny terrace area with sunshine all day. Stable House is available from April to October. Party, relaxed meeting, yoga session, arena, tv studio,...


Tentsile - Accomodation in a hanging tent

Summernight in a Tentsile-Tent hanging between trees is an experience. Room for 1-3 persons. Take your own sleeping bag.


Tentsile -elämys Tuusulanjärven rannalla

Lammaskallion tilalla, teltta valmiiksi pystytettynä ja makuuvarusteet valmiina


Tentsile elämys ja aamusauna Tuusulanjärven rannalla

Lammaskallion tilalla Tuusulassa, teltta valmiiksi pystytettynä ja makuuvarusteet valmiina ja aamusauna vuoro Lammaskallion rantasaunalla


Tuusula military history tour

Tuusula has played a remarkable role in the military history of Helsinki. During this tour, we can wander through the history of Sweden-Finlands military history and hear stories of their forces...


Villi saunailta Lammasakallion rantasaunalla

Villi saunailta Lammaskallion rantasaunalla villiyrteillä


Winter swimming

We recommend Rusutjärvi Lake winter swimming. Open everyday 8-21, warm cabin for changing. Free of charge. Address Hiekkarannankuja, Tuusula

Art tour in Järvenpää and Tuusula

Ketunretki's guided cultural tours introduce you to the cultural landscapes of Tuusulajärvi and Tuusula Rantatie.


Country-side tour from Helsinki to Porvoo and Tuusula

Ketunretket provides professional guide services in Helsinki, Porvoo and the Old Tuusula Artists' Road in Tuusula. On our guided culture tours you can explore medieval town of Porvoo, Lake Tuusula...


Culture Tours in Järvenpää and Tuusula

Ketunretket provides professional guide services in Järvenpää and the Old Tuusula Artists' Road (Rantatie) in Tuusula. On our guided culture tours you can explore Lake Tuusula artists' home...


Geocaching for groups at Uusimaa region

Geocaching is a playful treasure hunt with modern equipment, in which people of all ages and abilities can participate.We organize cache trips and train new enthusiasts.


Heritage Santa Claus visit

As you know, Santa Claus lives in northern part of Finland, in the village of Korvatunturi. From there he and his wife Mama Santa visit little children every christmas eve. Ketunretket can help...


Kellokoski Iron Works tour

Ketunretket provides professional guide services in the Kellokoski Iron Works area and its surroundings in Tuusula. On our guided culture tours you can explore the picturesque Old Iron Works and...


Lumikenkäretki Tuusulassa

Metsän lumi kantaa sinua. Lähde nauttimaan luontohetkestä ja rentouttavista Metsämieliharjoitteista LUMIKENKÄILLEN


Sarvikallion retki Tuusulassa

Aistirikas luontoretki Tuusulan Sarvikalliolle kaikkina vuodenaikoina ja retken aikan nuotioeväät tulipaikalla. 55 eur aik ja 25 eur lapsi.


Sauna-Mama's whisking sauna service beside a lake

Finland has been named as the happiest nation in the world, there's no doubt about that. One reason for this happiness is the old traditional sauna, where your mind and body clears from the work...


Tuusula military history tour

Tuusula has played a remarkable role in the military history of Helsinki. During this tour, we can wander through the history of Sweden-Finlands military history and hear stories of their forces...


Tuusulanjärven kierros

Villa Tammikko suosittelee Tuusulanjärven ympäripyöräilyä ja poikkeamista Sarvikallion upealla virkistysalueella. Sarvikalliolla on kivat polut ja upea näkymä Tuusulanjärvelle. Kulttuurikohteet...

Villi saunailta villiyrtein ryhmille

Villi saunailta villiyrtein Ryhmille saunailtaan ohjelmanumeroksi jalkakylpy ja villiyrttiopastus


Wilderness next to the capital - Sipoonkorpi National Park

Nature walk with the world cleanest air at Sipoonkorpi National Park, 20 km from Helsinki Centre


Rent a Tentsile-Flite+

Rent a Tentsile - Flite+ wooden tent and make your trip an experience of a lifetime! Rest in the embrace of the trees under the sky, listening to the sounds of nature, breathing the cleanest...


Rent to Tentsile - Stingray

Rent a Tentsile - Stingray wooden tent and make your trip an experience of a lifetime! Rest in the embrace of the trees under the sky, listening to the sounds of nature, breathing the cleanest...


Stable Room

Summernight in a Stable Room. Room for 1-3 persons.Old barn house is renovated and offers an unique athmosphere for a summer night.


Tammikko Chalet for Four

Opening in January 2023.New modern villa for four persons.Two bedrooms, sauna, fireplace and a terrace. Beautiful forest views from panorama windows.Well equipped kitchen.


Tammikko Stable House

Space for 60 persons for events and parties. Sunny terrace area with sunshine all day. Stable House is available from April to October. Party, relaxed meeting, yoga session, arena, tv studio,...


Tentsile - Accomodation in a hanging tent

Summernight in a Tentsile-Tent hanging between trees is an experience. Room for 1-3 persons. Take your own sleeping bag.


Tentsile -elämys Tuusulanjärven rannalla

Lammaskallion tilalla, teltta valmiiksi pystytettynä ja makuuvarusteet valmiina


Tentsile elämys ja aamusauna Tuusulanjärven rannalla

Lammaskallion tilalla Tuusulassa, teltta valmiiksi pystytettynä ja makuuvarusteet valmiina ja aamusauna vuoro Lammaskallion rantasaunalla


Villa Tammikko

The charming log building of Villa Tammikko is soon celebrating its 100th anniversary .The former forester's estate has a beautiful garden. It is surrounded with 1000 acres of forests with great...


Vuokraa Tentsile - Connect

Vuokraa Tentsile – Connect puuteltta ja tee retkestäsi elämys! Lepää puiden syleilyssä taivaan alla kuunnellen luonnon ääniä, hengitä maailman puhtainta ilmaa


Lumikenkävuokraus Aikuiset

Hankikanto, puuterilumi, metsän lumi kantaa sinua Lumikengillä valloitat lumiset maastot Vuokraa Metsänautilta Tubbsin Wilderness/ Frontier malliset lumikengät.


Lumikenkävuokraus Lapset

Hankikanto, puuterilumi, metsän lumi kantaa sinua, Lumikengillä valloitat lumiset maastot. Vuokraa Metsänautilta Tubbsin Wilderness/ Frontier malliset lumikengät.



Osta kassillinen polttopuita retkellesi. Vedenkestävä klapikassi sisältää tulitikut, kaksi sytytyspalaa, kiehisiä, syttyjä, puusäleitä ja riittävästi kuivia koivuklapeja nuotiolla tunnelmointiin...


Rent a Tentsile-Flite+

Rent a Tentsile - Flite+ wooden tent and make your trip an experience of a lifetime! Rest in the embrace of the trees under the sky, listening to the sounds of nature, breathing the cleanest...


Rent to Tentsile - Stingray

Rent a Tentsile - Stingray wooden tent and make your trip an experience of a lifetime! Rest in the embrace of the trees under the sky, listening to the sounds of nature, breathing the cleanest...


Selfguided snowshoe tour in Tuusula

Snowshoeing is a great way to explore the Finnish nature.


Snow Shoes

Snow Shoes for 3 hours. Pick up at Tammikko Stable House, address Maisalantie 209, Tuusula.


Sähkömaastopyörä Eero, koko S

Giant Fathom E+ Pro 29 2 (2021) eMTB -maastopyörä. KOKO S, sopii noin 155-175-senttiselle polkijalle. Pääset Tammikon Tallilta suoraan mukaville maalaisreiteille ja mäntykangaspoluille. Annamme...


Sähkömaastopyörä Tuomas, koko L

Giant Fathom E+ Pro 29 2 (2021) eMTB -maastopyörä. KOKO L, sopii noin 175-195-senttiselle polkijalle. Pääset Tammikon Tallilta suoraan mukaville maalaisreiteille ja mäntykangaspoluille. Annamme...


Sähkömaastopyörä Venla, koko M

Giant Fathom E+ Pro 29 2 (2021) eMTB -maastopyörä. KOKO M, sopii noin 160-180-senttiselle polkijalle. Pääset Tammikon Tallilta suoraan mukaville maalaisreiteille ja mäntykangaspoluille. Annamme...


Tentsile - Accomodation in a hanging tent

Summernight in a Tentsile-Tent hanging between trees is an experience. Room for 1-3 persons. Take your own sleeping bag.


Vuokraa Tentsile - Connect

Vuokraa Tentsile – Connect puuteltta ja tee retkestäsi elämys! Lepää puiden syleilyssä taivaan alla kuunnellen luonnon ääniä, hengitä maailman puhtainta ilmaa
